Inlet Protection
Inlet protection is critical for preventing contaminants, silt and sediment from entering storm drains.
Erosion Control Services provides comprehensive inlet filtration and protection services, including custom fabrication to fit any requirement of your site.
No matter how much effort you invest into erosion control measures and the containment of silt and sediment on your project, no perimeter or erosion control method is foolproof. But when you choose ECS to provide inlet protection for your drop and curb inlets, you can rest assured that your last line of defense will hold strong, preventing contamination of the sewers.
When we discuss inlet protection with city or state officials we often hear the phrase, “Inlet protection should be the last line of defense.” This means that if sediment is reaching your storm drain boxes in excess amounts then another best management practice (BMP) is failing. While we agree, we also believe that Flexstorm takes the worry out of inlet protection completely.

Utah's Flexstrom Dealer for Effective Inlet Protection
Truly Top-Notch
We have used our fair share of inlet protection options over the years. The one brand that stands out from the rest is Flexstorm. Easy to use and easy to customise.
We truly believe in this product and would like everyone to at least test it. Ask us how you can sample Flexstorm today.

Dandy Bag
What the Rest of the Industry Uses
The Dandy Bag is effective at keeping everything out…including water. Too often we see the bags cause major water buildup after rain events. This most often causes angry/concerned people to take a knife or other sharp object to the bag rendering it useless.

Advanced Inlet Protection Services
Intercepting sediment can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Erosion Control Services provides affordable, effective solutions using proven materials and methods to filter runoff before it reaches the storm drain.
Our solutions are strong enough to take the worry out of inlet filtration and versatile enough to customize for any application. They are also substantially more durable than the alternatives, potentially lasting five years or more.
As a certified SWPPP-compliant company, ECS understands the unique challenges you face with erosion control and the containment of silt, sediment and construction debris. We are committed to providing value-added services that are personalized to your project’s needs.
Whether you need a long-lasting inlet filtration system for dewatering or storm drains, turn to the experts you can trust for sediment and stormwater control. Contact Erosion Control Services today to discuss your soil stabilization, perimeter control, SWPPP and inlet protection needs.